I am gratified to be speaking to you from our new website. I know this site will be more functional and an informative resource for all our loyal customers and for new clients.
During the Covid 19 pandemic, I took a break from my primary roles of community midwife and clinical herbalist to be fully present with my then kindergartener and reprioritize my life. I found meaning in these past two years serving in a public health capacity for the school district and doing community outreach for the City of New Richmond.
Over these last two years, we have all experienced so many cancellations and changes; I hope you’ve found ways to navigate this new world we live in. Our family experienced a lot of fear and loss and I know we are not alone in that. We have emerged from this time very clear on the value of good health and good friends.
We are Open for Business!
Our clinical herbalism practice is taking appointments for in-person or virtual consultations. You can now book your appointments through the website. We’ll coordinate the receipt of your payment and forward any applicable meeting links.
Our Apron Strings Midwifery birthing home and practice is booked through July, with limited availability from August onward, but please do not wait to schedule your free Meet the Midwife consultation. The demand for private out of hospital midwifery has exploded, and our practice as well as our local colleagues are filling call slots very quickly.
To Our Loyal Shepherd’s Choice/Shepherdess Naturals Customers
New product brand name. One of the biggest changes you may have seen is what we’re calling our handcrafted product line. Our Shepherd’s/Shepherdess products are now listed under the Veriditas by Haswinkle™ brand name. I want to assure you that all your favorite original formulas will remain the same. I bought this company from Kathy because I LOVE these products too!
The product line has had a challenging couple of years. Sourcing quality, responsible raw ingredients has been and continues to be exceedingly difficult; shipping is both expensive and slow. Your loyalty to our products and your patience has been such a blessing, THANK YOU! We could not do this without you.
While we do have products available to purchase today, we expect to have all products in stock by May 1st. As you know we make everything by hand and in small batches. This takes time, but also ensures the highest quality we can deliver.
You will also start to notice a change in packaging on our products in June as we make our final transitioning of the Shepherd’s/Shepherdess branding to Veriditas by Hasewinkle. Look for an upcoming blog specifically about the launch of the new brand or feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.
Big Love and Gratitude to all our Customers and Clients!
We are Excited to Serve You Better in 2022!